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Next Level Volunteers


RedCity Roar has come a long way in it's short three year history. It has impacted the landscape of basketball as the fastest growing Association in Queensland and at NBL1 level across Australia over the previous two years. This was due to the vision and contribution of many volunteers within the affiliated clubs and the Association. Together, volunteers have built a pathway for all participants in the different facets of the game to the highest level.

However it is now disputed if RedCity Roar can still lay claim to being the fastest growing Association in Queensland. Less than twelve months ago RedCity Roar (at 1200 members) was tracking towards having a membership similar to Townsville who at the time was around 1600 members. RedCity Roar did become a top ten Association in Queensland in membership in its first two years, but recently Townsville, that has access to eight competition courts in the one location, are surging in membership (approx. 2800) and they are now lobbying for more courts. RedCity Roar does not have any more space to grow (two competition courts at PBC and three competition courts at PCYC and is hamstrung with membership currently at 1800)

There are waiting lists in all the junior clubs of children wanting to play. Some clubs have reported having 280 names on their lists. There are also senior teams wanting to join particularly at the social level, but there is not the court space to accommodate them or the referees to cover the games. RedCity Roar and it's clubs don't have access to enough facilities to accommodate competitions or the training requirements for club or representative teams.

With such rapid growth, sometimes the expectations from the public on relatively new coaches and referees to deliver professional standards, is often not inline with where those individuals are at, in their development and in their understanding of their role as a coach or a referee. This is a recipe for conflict which is common among Associations everywhere experiencing growth. RedCity Roar has seen a spike in incidents of late which could be easily avoided with better understanding for everyone in their role as coach, referee or spectator. A lot of Associations with far greater resources than RedCity are experiencing similar problems and the RedCity Roar Management Committee is looking at a number of ways to help educate people and support everyone. (See below from Brisbane Capitals which is Queensland oldest basketball Association).

This is a problem that is easily fixed with education and mentoring. Our pathways need support, in coach, player, referee and scoretable development from club to junior rep to QSL and NBL1 level. Good coaches are hard to find but can be easily be developed, referees are not so hard to find but are hard to retain in part because of the unrealistic expectation placed on them by participants. All facets of the game require a lot of time and resources and are essential in retaining and developing our talent here in the Redlands.

The Association is in the process of writing its next strategic plan. The previous strategic plan provided the road map to navigate the Association to this point. A mission statement and a plan to achieve:

"To grow the game of basketball in Redlands city, and build a pathway from beginners to semi-professionals."

There is a need to build the resources to provide the support required to move the Association to the next level! There is a desperate need to secure facilities for training and fixtures. The association has made some great strides in the last few months, largely through the efforts of Association volunteers in developing the processes needed to ensure the Association can keep progressing. Volunteers are needed to build on this and help the Association be prepared for when facilities become available and help facilitate the softening of expectations through the development and education of coaches and referees.

Every hour of volunteer time helps immensely and can help the Association prepare for it's next level goals!

What does that look like?

Next Level Goals

  • Gain access to more court space

  • A stadium to call home (6-8 courts minimum)

  • A Coaching Director

  • A Referees Director

  • A Community Engagement Officer

  • Administration Support - Comps/Accounts

  • Canteen service to fixtures - customer service shifts

  • Other fundraising activities - e.g. Gisler Pie Drive Coordinators

  • Community Partnerships - service to sponsors

If you can help in any way, even a couple of hours a week, the Association wants to hear from you! Hit the button below to send a short email outlining how you might be able to help. We already have a commitment from the General Manager if he wins the $160 million jackpot tonight, $20 million will be go to a new facility like the one below!

Good luck everyone!

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